
Sunday, November 7, 2010


I live in alternating states of despair or ecstasy. There is no middle ground for me. It's a hard way of life, but I have learned to adapt and husband has learned to take lots of naps.

This week my Excitement Alert Level is at CODE RED. CODE RED EXCITEMENT.

I made two new friends last week and they are in the newspaper business. They write newspapers and I just think that is so fancy and special and busy and inky sounding. I love my new friends. In honor of them, I formally announce GOOD NEWS week here at Momastery.

I have so much GOOD NEWS to share that I wish I could get you all on a conference call and just start shouting. But can you imagine me trying to arrange a conference call? I have to tell you something. Craig got me a new cell phone recently. And for the past two months, I have been too embarrassed to tell anyone that I didn’t understand how to answer it. So every time it rang, I just stared at the phone nervously until it stopped ringing. Then I found the special “missed calls” button and called the caller back. When she answered I’d say, “Sorry! Couldn’t get to the phone. What’s up?” The whole process was so stressful and time consuming that I started getting really mad at anyone who called me. But GOOD NEWS! Yesterday I figured it out! You press SEND to answer the phone. Send? I never even thought of trying that little button. But I guess in cell phone language, SEND is kind of like ALOHA, you know? It means hello or goodbye. Call or answer. I understand now.

Don't worry, this is not the Good News of which I wanted to speak today. Solving the phone answering mystery is really only CODE YELLOW GOOD NEWS. I'm just trying to say that we should put the Monkee conference call on hold and just stick to this bloggy format for our GOOD NEWS reporting.

Okay. Remember Mike and Megan?

Mike and Megan have been waiting and praying and crying and laughing their way through the past decade, waiting for God to show them where their children were.

A few months ago, they learned that their boys were in Uganda.

Last week, they flew to Uganda to bring them home. They are now a family of four. Mike and Megan have their babies forever. Granny Monkee is a now Granny-er Monkee-er.

You know how sometimes you want something so badly and you have a little faith but you’re also scared to death that it just might never, ever happen for you? Mike and Megan know that feeling well.

But look:

Meet Isaac Adam Clarke and Joshua James Clarke.


**Monkees excuse me for a moment. I need to have a word with one of us.

Hey. You. Yeeeeeeees you. Come here, I need to whisper something to you.

Don’t give up hope. Don’t you dare. Look! Good news! You won’t miss your boat. Your own boat is unmissable. It's gonna be okay.

I’d love for you to leave your comments over on The Clarke’s blog today. One day their boys will read it, and I’d like them to know they had a Welcome Wagon waiting in America.

Come back Tuesday for more GOOD NEWS!

LOVE you. LOVE The Clarkes. LOVE this wild, beautiful, confusing, huge, little life.