
Monday, January 2, 2012


Come play with the Monkees here!

Love, G


  1. Hi Glennon! Love the new site and your first 2012 post.

    I always read your posts in my Google Reader. But I don't see an RSS feed on your new site! :( Help! Thanks ~ MM

  2. 9 p.m. on 1/5/2012, and the link above isn't working...

  3. It's all hung up, Megan, because the server crashed after roughly 30,000 people "shared" it on social media!! It'll come back up - they're working on it! Go, Glennon, right?!

  4. OMG. Make that over 41,000. And it's up and running again!

  5. Can you please repost the "A Mountain I'm Willing to Die on"? I can't seem to get on the new website and I'd love to read this post to my kids. Beautiful, it made me cry.

  6. Glennon- I don't know if I'm a Monkee's uncle but I'm definitely a Monkee's husband! Wy wife Laura recently sent me a reflection on Saint Francis And The Sow that she read on Momastery. I had to read it about seventy times before it made sense, but I think this is really going to help me with my relationships with God and my son. A hundred thousand thanks! Please please please keep it up!

  7. I read your quote from Mother Teresa: "When we judge people, we have no time to love them." Then, I shared the quote with a friend. "Wow," she said.
