
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

And I Mean So Many Things

THIS is my favorite song. Brooks sent it to me, and the first time I heard it I bawled like a baby.

I'd love to know what you think (left brainers) or feel (right brainers) when you listen.

Love, G


  1. I like the sound but I found myself walking away, not because I didn't like what he was saying but because I'm THAT ADD and it just didn't hold my attention.

    He's a cutie too. I'll try again tonight, maybe I'll be a little more focused.

  2. Left brainer here. Not sure though what I think (or feel). I do love his voice and I like the sound.

    These lyrics stuck out at me though:

    For the more I seek
    the more I'm sought

    The more I buy
    the more I'm bought
    And the more I'm bought
    the less I cost.

  3. Okay girlies.

    Listen to it again and imagine Jesus singing it.
    It's about him.

  4. I never thought of that song as being about Jesus. And I just asked my husband if he thinks it's about Jesus he said "Every song is about Jesus, you hippie!" and when I asked him to explain, he said that's what's so wonderful about the Jesus story - that there's something for everyone in it and that you can see him in any song if you want to. Then he said something about the Barnum Effect and now I have to go Google that. Damn psychology majors.

    But I'm delighted you like the mixes I sent, and that this song spoke to you.


  5. Now I'm sitting here thinking about all the songs that DEFINITELY aren't about Jesus that prove Dave's theory wrong. Example: My Humps. Definitely NOT about Jesus.

  6. Brooksie - I'm familiar with the Barnum effect...but I think this one really is about Jesus.

    a dozen lazy horses....disciples

    leave here with a kiss...judas

    came here to get broke....cross

    and on and on and on....

  7. Lyrics to Hymn #101 :

    Yea I’ve come to know the wish list of my father
    I’ve come to know the shipwrecks where he wished
    I’ve come to wish aloud among the over dressed crowd
    Come to witness now the sinking of the ship
    Throwing pennies from the sea top next to it

    And I’ve come to roam the forest past the village
    With a dozen lazy horses in my cart
    I’ve come here to get high,
    To do more than just get by.
    I’ve come to test the timber of my heart
    Oh, I’ve come to test the timber of my heart

    And I’ve come to be untroubled in my seeking
    And I’ve come to see that nothing is for naught
    I’ve come to reach out blind
    to reach forward and behind
    For the more I seek the more I’m sought
    Yea, the more I seek the more I’m sought.

    And I’ve come to meet the sheriff and his posse
    To offer him the broadside of my jaw
    I’ve come here to get broke
    Then maybe bum a smoke
    We’ll go drinking two towns over after all
    Oh, we’ll go drinking two towns over after all.

    And I’ve come to meet the legendary takers
    I’ve only come to ask them for a lot
    Oh they say I come with less
    than I should rightfully posses
    I say the more I buy the more I’m bought
    And the more I’m bought the less I cost

    And I’ve come to take their servants and their surplus
    And I’ve come to take their raincoats and their speed
    I’ve come to get my fill
    To ransack and spill
    I’ve come to take the harvest for the seed
    I’ve come to take the harvest for the seed

    And I’ve come to know the manger that you sleep in
    I’ve come to be the stranger that you keep
    I’ve come from down the road
    And my footsteps never slowed
    Before we met, I knew we’d meet
    Before we met, I knew we’d meet

    And I’ve come here to ignore your cries and heartaches
    I’ve come to closely listen to you sing
    I’ve come here to insist
    That I leave here with a kiss
    I‘ve come to say exactly what I mean
    and I mean so many things.

    And you’ve come to know me stubborn as a butcher
    and you’ve come to know me thankless as a guest
    will you recognize my face when gods awful grace
    strips me of my jacket and my vest
    and reveals all the treasure in my chest

  8. And I’ve come to meet the sheriff and his posse
    To offer him the broadside of my jaw...ceaser, pontius pilate

    And I’ve come to meet the legendary takers
    I’ve only come to ask them for a young ruler, matthew the tax collector

    And I’ve come to know the manger that you sleep in
    I’ve come to be the stranger that you keep...

  9. Left brainer here...and I never would have thought it was about Jesus until I read your post. Seriously. NEVER. I listened to the words while I watched the video & thought it was about all the reasons people go into bars to get drunk (ie, everyone has their different story).

  10. thanks for posting the lyrics.
    listening made me feel weepy...just re-affirming the fact that music speaks to my soul even when my brain isn't engaged
    love it

  11. chills. chills.

    It is about Him.

    I think it is my new favorite,too. When I have time, going to forward to everyone and listen to is several times in a row..

    I LOVE when I get to hear new beautiful music. Thank you, friend. Thank you, Brooks!


  12. offer him the broad side of my jaw...turn the other cheek...

    thanks brooks.

  13. g - you must see this man live (preferably in a small room). my roomie steph told me that he was her boyfriend. so, we went to see him. we've been several times now and i'm starting to wonder if that's true. either way, he's the bee's knees. i got your ticket next time. xoxo, bums

  14. One of many reasons why Joe Pug is so cool:

    Get yourself some free CDs...from the man himself.

  15. i've come to reach out blind, reach forward and behind...


  16. hmmm...maybe "timbre of my heart" instead of "timber of my heart"

    timbre - (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound); "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely

    rachel = genius.

  17. When I close my eyes I see Joe Pug performing this song, by a campfire of course, to a group of adoring Monkees.....who's with me?! : ) Musicians and songwriters of this caliber are absolute masters of their craft. So jealous. Love this, G.

  18. :)
    Guess those music lessons paid off...

  19. I love this song. Love it. It's a Jesus song. Absolutely.

  20. He's in Charlottesville soon. poetry.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Love it! Thank you for posting it Glennon. He is in Chapel Hill this weekend and doggone it - I will be at a wedding in Greensboro. Bummer. I love his voice and will be watching out for him to circle back through.


  23. oh my goodness! joe's in cville soon.

    do we have any single monkees? single monkees where are you?

    one of us must marry joe pug.

  24. Joe's my friend on FB. I am laughing at myself. :-)
