
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Talkin' Bout . . . My Girl

As you know, Sister flew home from Rwanda for a visit last month.

We immediately began a whirlwind of weddings. First, we flew to Ohio to unite with the Kishman clan, Tisha's family, and celebrate my cousin Allison's marriage to her love, Troy.

This is The Matriarch, my grandma. We call her "Dama," but her real name is Alice Flaherty Kishman. You can read about her here. This is Mandy giving her a rosary she bought in France. Listen to me. If you meet Dama, just start talking about rosaries. Or Mother Teresa. Possibly the Pope. Chocolate, perhaps. These are the only safe topics.

I sneaked behind them and took this picture because you guys, THIS IS WHAT DAMA REALLY WATCHES. ALL THE TIME. This is NOT a Saturday Night Live skit. It's a REAL channel. But I don't make fun (I mean to her face) because those daily rosaries she says are the only explanation I have for my survival. Pray on, Dama.

This is what Sister and I do. We get ready. And Sister always asks me over and over, "Is this dress too short? Are these heels too high? And I always ask, "Can you see my zits? Will people notice I've worn this dress to every event for the last ten years?" And we tell each other... NO, SISTER. YOU LOOK PERFECT. Obviously, the true answer to those questions is always Um, Yeah.

Handsome and Pretty.

You guys, please look at my Mama. I mean, really. This woman just received her first social security check. And no, no surgery. Tisha is proof that the fountain of youth is staying open hearted and loving well. I must admit that I am really very excited about my genes, as is Craig.


The bride, my incredible cousin, Allison - and her Troy.

Yeah. We kept doing this all night.

And of course, There Was Dancing. Well, at least there was some serious flailing.

And then . . . Wedding #2, the following weekend. Meet Mike and his bride Brookie, who has been Sister's best friend since they were three years old.

Nobody knows why Sister always does this:

During the wedding, Mandy's friend Hollis gave an incredible toast about sisterhood, and I turned around at my table and shot this picture. Because I knew Sister would be looking at me like this. (What Up, Bums!)

Love you, Sister. Love you, mama. While I was staring at this picture, it struck me that it is possible that Sister and Tisha have their own relationship, independent of me.


While I put together this post, I showed the pictures to Tish. She got a little sad. She misses her aunt. Mostly, she said, because nobody else gives me gum. So we made a paper chain to help us countdown the days 'till Mandy gets back. Yes, I'm in yoga clothes. It is very important to plan a yoga class immediately following art projects with the girls. We made 70 links. 70 days till Aunt Mandy comes home. Which made for a pretty long chain.

When Chase got home from school he said, "Is that thing supposed to make me feel better?" Whatever, Chase, I was trying to do a cute mom thing.

Cant wait 'till we get to this part. Can't wait.

Peace Out, Lovies. Keep it Real Today.

Love, G


  1. For the record, I am almost ALWAYS in yoga clothes so that picture looked totally normal to me. I said hello to a woman whom I have met NUMEROUS times here in Perth and she said, "oh, Erin, I didn't recognize you in regular clothes." But, with her cute little Aussie accent it sounded much nicer.

    Good to see you had a ball with your sis!

  2. ps. that mama of yours is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! Wow.

  3. E-

    I think I'm gonna ask Santa for some new yoga- clothes-that-pass-for-real-clothes for Christmas. Didn't you tell me there was some fabulous store somewhere for that stuff?


  4. LuLu Lemon. Once you go LuLu you will never go back. When I found out they had a LuLu store here in Perth I told Eric that everything would be JUST FINE.

    And, if Craig, I mean Santa, balks at the price tag you have to counter with my favorite "price per wear" argument. Their stuff will last, and look fab, for YEARS. Also, their pants make your tush look really, really good which may negate the need for the argument.

  5. I want to know where you get those beautiful dresses and fabulous shoes!! I have a formal event next month and spend most of my time in comfy clothes. Any personal shoppers out there! :)

    You are blessed to have such wonderful family relationships!! Working hard and praying to have them with mine as they get older!

  6. oh, no, girl. do not go to LuLu. It is crack. I mean, Yes, Go! But, you have been warned.

    okay. All three of you are gorgeous. I have a question and I am not joking. This is an obsession with me. What kind of facial lotion/products does your mom use? Girl, you have fabulous genes. Congrats to you, Amanda, Craig, and Mr. Johnny.
    As usual I love your truth.. "Is this too tight? These too high?" I was giggling as I read this, knowing I do this EVERY TIME we have to go somewhere and am always slighting frustrated that I'm usually asking my hubbs instead of my sister!

    I Love the chain, but am laughing, also, and you know why. After we made ours, I looked at it, took a deep breath, and thought, hmmm. maybe this wasn't such a good idea...It is too long and kind of depressing to have it so clearly in my face. Maybe I should have made one when it was just a month countdown..

    Last question, what is that sign in the background? "I didn't tattle." It looks cool and just curious if you could spread the tips..

    Miss Molly

  7. G-
    I love this post. The photos are great. I would love to see the other ones you took. Maybe you could email them to me or upload them to my shutterfly account.
    I think the whole Kishman family is blessed with good genes, all the aunts and uncles are holding up really well.
    I think the paper chain is a great idea. Will panda be back for New Years eve?

  8. G: Also, Lucy for yoga/comfy stuff. I heart Lucy too. Their pants come in short lengths too. I'm just saying.

  9. Your Mom is H-O-T and your Dad of course is handsome as always.

    Sister - I'm still waiting for that box color number. I absolutely must do my hair soon before people start calling me Granny.

    You are a beautiful family Glennon.

  10. You are all gorgeous. Love the chain but can see why it would be overwhelming. We have done "daddy candy" when my husband travels so they get a kiss from him daily which might be more Chase's speed!

  11. Y'all are gorgeous! Yep, I'd be dancing for joy about those genes, too!

  12. The genes are very impressive-- but even more is how much you all radiate love.

    Show your kids those pictures-- and the shirtless Craig ones. That's just too much good genetic heritage for one family.

  13. Thanks All-

    Molly, I called my mom to ask her what face stuff she uses and she said "whatever is cheapest at CVS." Then she added "Oh, wait a second . . . it's something in a TUBE." So I hope that's helpful.

    The sign is a list of Chase's jobs/Tish's rules. When they do a good job they get a sticker (the sticker chart is above Tish's head). Then when they get 20 stickers each they get a reward. The reward is always a family this weekend we went apple picking. It's always something we'd probably be doing anyway, or something that is a reward TO ME too, like a movie at the theater. The theater is BIG happenings for us and I really like to sit.

    The important thing about our chart is that BOTH kids have to get their 20 stickers before getting the reward . . . which has cut down drastically on tattling.

    It works okay. Lots of times I forget to use it or lose the stickers though.

  14. I knew it. knew it. Just the genes... but, thank you for asking! I really did want to know!

    We have a chart, too, but I have not incorporated "not tattling." I am going to now; I bet that does work well when they realize they BOTH have to get the 20 stickers....I like your reward system, too. We've been rewarding with new books or arts and craft projects (yes, stuff we'd do anyway), but I like the family outing idea...


  15. G & Sister - Your mom is cool AND HOT!!! You're so lucky that you both know that. :)

    Loved the glimpse into your lives as always ~

  16. I think my favorite posts are always the ones about you and sister.

    ps. if I hear "mama" one more time today I'm going to put a bag on my head.

  17. I know it. I'm with you Krystal. It's a paper bag on the head kind of day over here too. Did Max actually die, or did you go ahead and give him the chocolate?


  18. Is there anything more fun or beautiful than the Doyle family at a wedding? I think not. Amazing pictures. Amazing genes. 70 days and counting! I am with vrwfox, the love is just so completely compelling. Incredible.

  19. I know why Sister does that with her hands! It's sign language for "I love you" :)

    Love this post! Love the pictures, and all the gorgeous ladies! Wow! And I am SOOOOOOOO glad you posted the link to the "initiation" post. I'm not sure exactly which Twilight Zone realm I was stuck in at the time, but I completely missed that post and at least 2 or 3 before and after it. I read the Craig/Circuit City one earlier today at work where the pictures are blocked :( but cracked up reading it the whole time. And now I've been rereading them for the past twenty minutes when I should be, oh I don't know, cooking supper? Or cleaning the kitchen at the very least? (it's really starting to smell...) And now Rowdy's going "Mooommmmy, I haven't eaten supper yet" hehe...

    Peace, Love, and Momastery!


    p.s. Are Momastery hoodies still able to be ordered? Or was it kind of a one-time thing?

  20. SUZY!

    You must come back here immediately following your sono tomorrow and tell us tell us tell us!!!

    Jen, Hug JW for me.

  21. Love the glimpse into family happenings. Love the genes. Once again wondering if it would be creepy to ask to be adopted into your clan. It always makes me miss what I don't got.

    It is also a paper bag day over here, except the bag keeps getting soggy and tearing with all the tears and snot.

    Not a good day, not a good night, not a good week. I've already tried crawling into bed and sleeping the week off, but it won't work.



    PS. Thinking a Monkee hoodie might be the right thing to cuddle up in. Ditto on can one still get them?

  22. SISTERS. The only thing we can't do is ask Sunny to head up Hoodies this time around. The woman worked around the clock for months with all those orders. She's probably hiding in the closet after reading these comments.

    I'm gonna hit up a couple sites and see if I can design one at a place where you can order individually. Sound good?

    Do you want zipper ones?
    colors? should we put the site address on it this time? any ideas are welcome.

    Tovie, you are officially invited to join my family if you'd like. We'd be over the moon.

    My friend Amy always says over the moon. Thought I'd try it out. Like it.

  23. I am over the moon at the idea of having a clan and a hoodie. I like zipper or pullover. As long as it's not white. I look like I'm decomposing when I wear white.


  24. Love talkin bout Sister. Especially love the comment about how Sister and mama might relate independent of you. A few years back on my parents anniversary, I told my mom, "I can't believe you guys have been married even longer than I've been alive." Like I just figured that out. Still boggles the mind.

  25. I love my hoodie. I think if you do them again we should most def. have the url on them! I vote for zippers (so I can justify getting another one)

  26. I agree K, zippers.

    Can someone who is hip and cool tell me what site I should be using for this?

    The only sites I know are Momastery, Facebook, and Homes DataBase where I obsessively house hunt for hours a day for absolutely no reason. I don't think any of those three sites make hoodies.

  27. Check out the people at I think you could submit the graphic/s and then people can pick the color hoodie or t-shirt or onesie they want, choose pressed, then choose the momestary graphic.

    I would love to have an original "We're too busy singing... put anybody down" on a pink hoodie. Yep, yep I would.

  28. G! I am an obsessive house hunter TOO! For no reason at all. Like hours I spend on trulia, zillow, etc etc. just looking at houses for sale. Glad we're together on this, girl...

    Wish I knew a good site for the hoodies...hmmmm...well I do know that I can't wait to order one! : )

  29. Ok, ya'll... It's BOY #3!!!

    Since this is a safe place and all, I have to admit I cried a teensy weensy bit when she showed us his little man parts, hehe... But now the fun begins - it's name-picking time!

    G, I think my hubby may know of some make-your-own-shirts websites...I'm sure if they make shirts they probably make hoodies. I'll ask him when he gets home and let you know if so.


  30. Suz,

    It is a safe place, and I'm glad you shared that.

    Maybe we could name him Sue.

    Love you girl . . .

    Congrats, mama.

  31. Oh SUZY - right there with ya, sister. I'm a mother of three boys, and while they are great, gorgeous, etc - i CRIED for MONTHS when I found out about #3's penis (I knew we were done - took three years to convince hubby to even go for #3). Seriously, MONTHS - and I was pissed. My OB said I was going through all the stages of mourning - and I really think she was right.

    You will hear people say RIDICULOUS things - that they think will make you feel better but actually make you feel worse. Just roll your eyes (or if you're me say your best sailor-worthy words in your head) and know that I'm feeling your pain.

    I will say my baby boy (now 7!!!) is soooo sweet, and he likes me the best - which is just lovely! He's also very cool - which I think comes from being the third boy.

    Deep breaths, tears, and JOY knowing you are bringing such a precious life into the world ~

  32. paula. you rock.

    i agree that it's okay to be disappointed in your own offspring. especially at first.

    when tish was born, i was shocked. after chase, i was expecting another exotic asian. when she came out i was like, huh? what is this? she's just WHITE. like me.


    when we sent out our big email blast announcement we said

    "Patricia Faith Melton" was born at yadda yadda.

    She's pretty fly.

    For a white girl."

    So I guess what I'm saying Suzy, is be prepared. Your little boy could come out ASIAN or something.


    Paula I think I might be one of those people who says ridiculous things. I'll stop now.

  33. Love all of this. Love the joy!

    My friend and her husband have a new custom printing company too and do digital imagery in all kinds of things. Check out their site: or their FB!/pages/Richmond-VA/Main-Street-Clothing-Company/108089772579660

    Good good people who do great work and can do small or large quantities. Local to Richmond! Let me know if you need help G...

  34. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Paula, reading your words brought face-crinkling tears to my eyes. I was already afraid BEFORE we found out it was a boy "what people would think" if it turned out to be blue and not pink because of how badly everyone knew we wanted a girl. Thank you for giving me permission to feel my feelings! My mother actually asked if I was sad when we found out and I was so ANGRY at her for even asking. What's that all about? (besides my pregnancy hormones and her current struggle with menopausal hormones, which I really must give her a pass for)

    Glennon - Pretty fly for a white girl?! HILARIOUS. Can you write my birth email announcement? p.s. I think all 3 of your children look pretty exotically asian... I wouldn't mind if this one comes out looking a bit like them, hehe...

    Love you all so much

  35. G-bird, Great post. I agree your mom is amazing ! Stephanie

  36. What a good looking family! Good genes. Have not been "here" in awhile .... got to catch up on your stories!

    Hey, here is a topic for future.... I noticed in the background of one of your pics, looks like classroom rules.... "#5 I do not tattle".
    While I agree with this to an extent, lately my views have changed. I only really thought about this when I saw that in your picture, seriously! Of course this is the opinion of many and I do not expect to change minds nor expect you to blog about it.

    Good topic for discussion in future posts in light of all the bullying going on. Are we at fault for teaching our children at such a young age to keep silent when others are doing us wrong? How quick we are to tell them to hush and work it out when someone is possibly being nasty? I say ... tattle. I think possibly this may be where much bullying begins. And even perhaps the future "bullier" is one who was hushed from being heard. Thus, they go on to "bully".

    I know my rule was "....unless someone is getting physically hurt - work it out!", I would yell without listening or thinking twice. Now I don't agree with that so much. I think we need to tweak that rule. I know there is a fine line, but we have evolved so much in many areas of our lives with technology, science, etc ... how difficult is it to change our frame of mind and a few rules with children?

    Thanks for "listening" and letting me tag this on the end of your blog. It just came pouring out! All the bullying stuff is getting to me and I've been hunkered down ill in my home for a week seeing too much of this on TV. Need some air!

    OK ~ you take care and as always, thanks for sharing. I wish I had a sister ....


  37. WHOA.

    I think this is an A-MAZ-ING point.


    terri i really think you are on to something with this. can't wait to hear other's thoughts too. ill write a post about it!

  38. I agree that bullying is a problem but there is a HUGE difference between being a tattle-tale (my sibling just looked at me funny/fed their green bean to the dog/other whiney nonsense) and seeking help when their is a REAL problem (mom, he/she HIT me, hurt me, said mean/hurtful things). Kids do need to learn to work out the former for themselves and not run to mom every single time someone looks at them sideways. And they need to learn the difference between that and real threats or injustices so they can seek help when it's truly necessary.

    I do not think for one second that Glennon, or anyone, teaching their kids to not be tattle-tales puts them at risk for being bullied later in life.

  39. Hi G and Anonymous - oops. Let me clarify. In no way did I mean that Glennon or anyone is teaching their kids something wrong. I'm sorry if I gave that impression. I just saw that saying and it made me think about the whole bullying thing that is really blowing up now. Glennon makes me think! (and too much TV!)

    I do agree with you Anon, the differnce about hurtful/mean things and whiney nonsense. Lord, brings back memories of mine and their tattles! Thank you for keeping me in check. I didn't mean that at all. I agree, kids do need to work things out.

    It was just a thought that kind of hit me - nothing about Glennon at all (smile). I just thought, wow, that "old saying" ... even I used it myself and still would .... but these days.... does it still hold true or should we tweak it?

    Yesterday late there was a Dr. Phil commercial where he is advertising "telling is not tattling". What a coin-ki-dink I said.

    It just got me thinkin' is all. Not pointing any fingers at anyone! Raising thoughts...


  40. G-Byrd, this is Bumsey, Holly-Bear, and Brookie Cookie. We just read this post together and wanted to give you and Tish a shout-out on the paper chain. I think we might have to copy your genius plan. Thank you for being crafty. You're such a great seeeeester. Love, Us
    P.S. Chase, hang in there!
